Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Payment Options Affect Car Insurance Rates And Premiums

Every driver has to have car insurance, and My Car Insurance Rates makes it easy to one-stop shop several auto insurance companies for cheap quotes, saving you time and money. However, when most policy shoppers go looking for the best quotes, they tend to forget about one of the key factors in saving money: payment options. When choosing a payment option, it’s always good practice to watch for details that might be easy to overlook. Most car insurance companies charge a fee for paying in installments, which increases your total annual car insurance rates. Additionally, customers might find extra billing and processing fees tacked on to their car insurance quotes if they choose this option while shopping around.

Those who favor the monthly payment plan must always remember to pay on time, because anyone who pays after the due date will get hit with a late fee. Some car insurance companies offer an automatic pay service which allows each monthly payment on the premium to be automatically deducted from the customer’s checking account. This allows for an affordable plan with no possibility of late fees. While the convenience and affordability is quite alluring, any customer who prefers this option must be diligent about keeping his or her checking account stocked with available funds or there cheap car insurance rate won’t be so affordable anymore.
If you plan to make credit card payments electronically, whether online or over the phone, be sure to find out about transaction fees for using the service. Payment Options and Finding Cheap Car Insurance Rates

To get the best rates on car insurance premiums, start your search for quotes with My Car Insurance Rates, and then once you’ve selected the best company and policy for you, choose to pay your premium rates in full. In the long run, this is the most efficient and cheapest way to pay as far as payment options go. If you can afford to pay your premium up front, do it. Unfortunately, many auto insurance buyers are not able to make the full premium payment up front. Thankfully, other options are available.

Choosing a payment option is very important, so for more details and assistance with making the best, affordable choice, search for affordable car insurance quotes and companies in your area, and if you like, choose to have an insurance representative contact you to answer any questions or concerns you may have.


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