The simple fact is, car insurance rates for teenagers are much higher than for other age groups. Why? Because, statistically speaking, teenagers have a far greater chance of being involved in a car accident than other age groups. In fact, the National Safety Council maintains that teenage drivers are three times more likely to be killed in a car accident than drivers between the ages of 25 and 64. What’s more, statistics show that male teenage drivers are more likely to be involved in auto accidents than female teenage drivers, so female car insurance rates are even cheaper – sometimes as much as 50% lower!
Despite the fact that there’s really no way around higher car insurance rates for teens, you can take a number of steps to find and get the best, cheap auto insurance rates for your teenager. First, send your teenage driver to driving school. Driver’s education not only teaches your teenage driver the fundamentals of navigating the roads, you’ll often get a discount on your car insurance if your teenager successfully completes driver’s ed. And hopefully, driving school will lead to a good driving record/history, which in turn will keep your car insurance quotes lower.
The second way to lower your teenager’s car insurance premium is to buy an older second car for them to drive. Older cars that have less value are generally cheaper to insure, so your monthly rate is likely to be lower than a newer, more expensive car. Plus, if the older car is only worth a few thousand dollars, you might consider forgoing collision insurance, which will also save you money. Remember, collision insurance covers your own car when you are at fault in an accident.
Car Insurance Quotes For Families With Teens
There are hundreds of auto insurance companies offering a wide range of insurance premiums for your teenager, so compare online at My Car Insurance Rates to ensure you are getting the best car insurance rates. Take a moment now, enter your zip code, and get a couple car insurance quotes from leading insurance companies in your area and state.
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