As parents of teenage drivers know well, auto insurance rates for teenagers are quite expensive, even more than usual. There are a number of reasons why teenagers pay higher car insurance premiums than other age groups.
No Driving Record
The first reason young driver’s auto insurance is so expensive is because they have little to no driving record. Without the ability to gauge just how safe or dangerous a driver your teenager is, an insurance company assumes they may be dangerous, and they adjust premium rates accordingly, usually in line with general statistics for your driver’s age and gender.
Statistical Dangers
Without an established driving record to review, car insurance companies rely heavily on statistics to calculate the risk posed by a teenage driver. Teenage drivers are much more of an accident risk, or high risk, than adult drivers. Young drivers are involved in a much higher percentage of catastrophic traffic accidents than adults. As a result of these statistics, auto insurers consider teenagers to be a much higher insurance risk than people of other age groups, and therefore do not provide the same low car insurance rates they do responsible, mature drivers.
Foolish Behavior
It’s probably not much of a surprise that automobile insurance companies believe that teenagers engage in a higher incidence of foolish and dangerous behavior when driving a car. Teenagers are known to race other cars, perform silly and dangerous stunts, weave in and out of traffic, drive fast and recklessly, and become much more easily distracted with the radio and cell phones. Even though your teenager is likely to require more expensive auto insurance, there are a number of things you can do to get lower car insurance rates. You can buy them an older, less expensive car; you can increase their deductibles; you can apply for good student discounts as well as low mileage discounts since they mainly commute to and from school; parents can require their children to take a driver’s education course; and you can lower their coverage and liability limits.
Car Insurance For Teenagers
If you have a teenage driver in your family and would like to find the best quotes on car insurance, My Car Insurance Rates can help you find a great rate within just a few minutes. So take a moment now and compare auto insurance rates from multiple nationwide car insurance companies, and start saving on auto insurance today.
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